The artist, Sabina, a free soul in Kundera’s novel THE UNBEARABLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING set in the World of Soviet cynicism and cultural assault (social imperialism) refers to bureaucrats as “UGLIFIERS”. Her contempt is not reserved exclusively for the Soviet Architecture but also the disgusting & thoughtless MUZAK (registered trademark, may god grant us sanity) in a Swiss restaurant.
…a bit more Robert Dager & the short story of his WW2 Aussie hat from his Navy Tour … didn’t fit, the other …. sTORy
Long time passing. Robert just handed Chris his Aussie hat brought home from his service in WW2 … just like that … tuff Navy tour in the south pacific … always wore his Navy ID bracelet … thinking lots about the service and reason for that war these days.(Joe Crilley, Phil Powell, John Stage, Jere & Eric Knight) And related to Chis too. About 30 yrs back. S.