a thanksgiving hertitage, memory of 10,000 hands (in progress) Posted on November 24, 2015 copyright H SCOTT HEIST 15splinter cottage projectscontact splintercottage@aol.complace photo rights in barall rights reserved to all text copy and materials no use including copying of any sort is allowed without written permission.© H Scott Heist 2015 / SplinterCottage.comRights of copy right, concept, use as trademarks and other other forms of intellectual & physical property are reserved.splintercottage @aol.com copyright H SCOTT HEIST 15splinter cottage projectscontact splintercottage@aol.complace photo rights in barall rights reserved to all text copy and materials no use including copying of any sort is allowed without written permission.© H Scott Heist 2015 / SplinterCottage.comRights of copy right, concept, use as trademarks and other other forms of intellectual & physical property are reserved.splintercottage @aol.com copyright H SCOTT HEIST 15splinter cottage projectscontact splintercottage@aol.com Tags: stories behind thanks giving